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Marius Oberholster Hey! I'm having an incredible learning experience, not only learning how Blender works (yes, still learning), but also about Open-Source and the incredible software available. Stick around!

Client of the month certificate

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Monday, September 24, 2012 Under: General
Hey all!

My brother is a personal trainer and a very good one at that. To inspire his clients to push as hard as they can, he wants to give them a certificate system. One that goes as the title of the post; the client that achieves the best results in that month, is client of the month and receives this certificate with their name on it:

I think it is a fantastic idea and I really enjoyed working on it. Originally, I wondered how we would put this thing together, but my brother is just the ideal client for every designer, because when he comes to you with an assignment, he knows what he wants and how to tell you, plus leaving you some creative freedom as well.
He's the type of client you always want as repeat business.

Anywho, getting to the design of the thing. Many certificates are issued in landscape. I am really not crazy about landscape layout design. So whenever something comes up for flyers or whatever, I always always suggest portrait. You can fit a lot more from top to bottom than you can on landscape.

Because this has to go to printers, size is extremely important. Most printers cut off a bit of the sides, so I added a fairly thick red border before the white line, so that if it cuts a bit, it will not be an issue.

The logo was a bit finicky, because it is essentially a 3D made logo. That means that resizing it, can be a challenge, since it is built out of many objects. The text was the biggest problem. For some odd reason, it created double-placed-face shadows and noise at some places and it just really looked terrible (yes the text is also placed in 3D space). Once again HE stepped in and told me to just remove the material's ability to receive shading and ta-da, it worked, lol.

Finally the certificate was ready overall, but I ran into another snag. Initially the frame on the outside wasn't very thick, so there was no real compensation space (or safety zone), so I just shrink everything down a bit, except the red background.

The rest is a secret, lol.

Thank YOU!!!!!

In : General 

Tags: certificate  no seal  red  3d  logo 
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