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Marius Oberholster Hey! I'm having an incredible learning experience, not only learning how Blender works (yes, still learning), but also about Open-Source and the incredible software available. Stick around!

Custom brick texture - All procedural

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Friday, July 4, 2014 Under: Quick Blog Tutorial
Hey all!

Quick Blog Tutorial time again!

Recently, I saw someone having done their own brick texture and immediately I was wowed, because they did not use the typical brick texture, except maybe to color, but, the bricks were nicely rounded and so, yesterday, GOD challenged me to make one for the verse image below, showing a before and after of compositing for a post on the portfolio blog:

(recent verse image for Cross Allegiance, stop by our Facebook page too and give us a like)

As you can see, they aren't flat, they have shadows, uneven laid and, they aren't carbon copies of each other. In fact, I'd dare to say that this is the most realistic wall I've ever done that had 0 displacement applied to it. GOD really helped me big time on this one!

Now, it is fairly easy to make, because you will be using wood textures. Ironically, just giving you the node setup will mean nothing, because there are custom values for each distortion node and even the ColorRamps, but basically it works like this:
   When you add a wood texture, you get diagonal lines. These need to be rotated to go along the wall and sharpened to give us a black and white stripe appearance (very little fading). This forms a mask, so we can have interleaving bricks.
Now, using the same wood texture, with distort category nodes, add your vertical mortar lines. If you add them into a viewer node, you should see upright rectangular shapes running in a diagonal pattern. Using the original mask, you simply adjust and shift it, to form your horizontal mortar lines. If you followed the instructions and you know how to use the Color > Mix node, you should have a clean brick mask atm.

   To make the bricks a bit misshapen, you simply distort the mask we now have, with a cloud texture or whatever other texture you wish.

   And there you have it, a clean brick mask. Feel free to add more clouds and other things to make it more bump realistic and before carrying out, add a Value To Normal node from the Convertor category.
Here is the node system to mine, in case you wanted to follow along:

(Click to enlarge)

Just to give props, here is the original post on Google+.
Do bear in mind that the above system is to generate the bump for the wall, not the colors. To generate that, I recommend you duplicate this one, so you have the mask and go nuts on it :D.

Thank YOU!!!!!

In : Quick Blog Tutorial 

Tags: jesus  help  procedural textures  brick wall  bricks  better  quick blog tutorial  qbt 
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