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Marius Oberholster Hey! I'm having an incredible learning experience, not only learning how Blender works (yes, still learning), but also about Open-Source and the incredible software available. Stick around!

Showing Tag: " toon" (Show all posts)

NPR Shaders

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Monday, April 15, 2019, In : News 
Hey all!

As you all know, Wasili and I started a thing in the Blender community at the end of 2017. He and I had spent a few months leading up to that December, building NPR shaders for Eevee - which was really rough in it's phases back then, hehe.

Anyway, since then, I've been working really hard off and on on these and since last month, we've had shaders that don't need to know it's light source, thanx to the incredible work put into the Shader to RGB node.

Today, I am super jazzed to announce...
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Posted by Marius Oberholster on Wednesday, January 3, 2018, In : News 
Hey all!

Don't you just love that title?! Sounds so epic! It was from a concentration standpoint. Goodness! hahaha.

With all the work said and done, we have:

Normal and Bump Mapping

Works with averaging what is there with the map itself. Gives a nicely balanced result. Bump maps are also converted to normal maps, but purely based on a flattened version that is connected to all three axes.

Ambient Light

For this feature, I simply added an emission shader and fed it, based on circumstances, either th...

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Building a formula with nodes

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Wednesday, January 3, 2018, In : News 
Hey all!

Building a formula with nodes is not as hard as it seams, but it can certainly be harder than you think as well.

You have to take quite a few things into account and these make it confusing:
 - Order of operations (will affect result)
 - Vector math functions available
 - Vector math output appropriacy (which output from vector math to use and when)
 - Vector transforms required
 - Vector separation and joinings required (available math functions dependent)
 - Math node functionality
 - Math ...

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Blinn vs Phong

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Wednesday, January 3, 2018, In : News 
Hey all!

Believe it or not, the Blinn and Phong models are not all that different. The goal with Blinn is to have specularity that is similar to Phong, but without it's sensitivity to proximity. This give many advantages within NPR, because it gives yet another thing you can manipulate - the size of the specularity. Source links will be at the end of this post.

Let's look at their formulas (don't worry, this doesn't get very technical) and the variables.

R = Reflected direction to the light sour...

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Happy new shaders

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Wednesday, January 3, 2018, In : News 
Hey all!

Happy new year!! May GOD bless you in all you lay your hands to for HIS Name's sake!!

I have to say that 2017 certainly came with a lot of unexpected things. I was hoping to finish Exodus by June (haha, hilarious! haha). I was certainly not planning on working on toon shaders for Eevee and honestly, by this time I was expecting a finished Eevee (can someone say super unrealistic, hahaha).

On the plus side - the animation for Exodus has progressed to where chapter 7 is visually complete....

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Text ablaze

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Saturday, June 10, 2017, In : Tutorials 
Hey all!

I have quite a few tutorials in line, waiting to be done, but really felt led to do Mvr blaze's request and make a tutorial about animated fire on text. It was quite a unique challenge, which you will see when you watch the tutorial! The approach was super unique and in total opposition to my usual approach. GOD's ideas are always always always better!

Here is the video:

GOD is super!!!

 - Why Volume?
   Initially, I didn't want to use volume. I prefer meshes and empties, because it is ju...

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Toon Shading - Cycles Caustics

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Thursday, March 30, 2017, In : Tutorials 
Hey all!

Super glad to be able to get this video done. I have quite a story behind this one that I know you are gonna luv reading, so to prevent the temptation of watching first, the tutorial is at the bottom of the post.

Why cover caustics in Cycles when it was done in Blender Render already?
   A fairly obvious question to those who use Cycles, but not to everyone. Cycles is a newer engine in Blender and is built for realism. This makes things like toon-style NPR extremely difficult. Styles li...
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Eevee and the coming render

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Saturday, March 25, 2017, In : News 
Hey all!

Yesterday, there was a very very interesting blog post shared, concerning Blender's upcoming new realtime engine called Eevee. While the posts states that this is the nickname, I kinda like the sound of it. Kinda suits the idea, because to me it sounds quick and speedy, and fast, and prompt, haha, you get the point.

I read through it and I am super happy with what they are planning, to say the least. I was hoping that they would have it already done and functioning by now. While the PB...
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Cycles toon shading tips

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Tuesday, November 22, 2016, In : Tips 
Hey all!

What a busy few days!! Goodness! I am so thankful that GOD gave me the efficiency to be able to produce so many videos so quickly!! :D

I received a comment on the Camp Fire tutorial from a Cycles user and that he had a fair idea on how to produce it in Cycles and I kinda of felt a little tug from GOD that I need to do a little bit more towards the Cycles side of thing and I couldn't shake the sense to do it and felt lead to start doing more towards toon shading in Cycles, so this is th...
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Posted by Marius Oberholster on Friday, March 25, 2016, In : Tutorials 
Good day everyone!

This week went mostly to clouds! haha. Not a bad thing, because I really do like the results.

If you have every struggle with clouds or didn't know how to, checking out mine and Andrew Price's you'll be able to skip lots of headaches!

You can watch mine here:

(GOD is awesome!!)

You can watch Andrew's here - he's also the one GOD referred me to for modelling clouds better:

Have a great day and GOD bless!!

Know JESUS yet?

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Advanced Cycles Toon Shading

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Monday, December 28, 2015, In : Tutorials 
Hey all!

Last week, GOD had me on Cycles toon shading. I tell you, I was looking for a reason to use Cycles for the sake of faster renders. I have a huge project I want to complete and crunching the render numbers do not look promising, hahaha, that is, apart from a render farm, but that's not an option atm.

Anyway, I've found that despite all the turn offs and corners cut in Cycles, Blender Render, at least on my PC, is still faster on CPU than Cycles is on GPU and I can get a more complex res...
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Toon shading soft shadows

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Wednesday, December 16, 2015, In : Tutorials 
Hey all!

Yes, you heard that right! It took a while, but GOD finally released me to make this tutorial and helped me make it and keep it short! HE is so good!!

Before getting into the technical aspects of it, this is the tutorial:

As you can imagine, this scene took a little while to stick together, but it's not about the scene - it's only there to illustrate a point. That point is:
You can have cell shading with soft shadows and even ambient occlusion, in Blender

In essence, this is one area wher...

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Finished eagle! Well, almost

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Tuesday, August 26, 2014, In : wip 
Hey all!

Wow! We're really getting quite a few posts this week, hahaha. Okay, so, yesterday I showed you guys a progress on the eagle here and the eagle's materials almost done on the portfolio blog at this post. Now, you get to see it rigged to a useful part (except for the beak):

(made for Cross Allegiance - see more here)

I really like this image, because it was extremely difficult to make, but GOD helped me, but secondly, because it turned out to be a serious image and not cute (which it was...

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Progress a white eagle

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Monday, August 25, 2014, In : The Gospel 
Hey all!

I recently asked permission to use a fantastic song for a music video that I felt GOD put on my heart to do.
I was practicing on Saturday when I felt like GOD told me I should message this singer to use his song and I didn't do it immediately, because I don't just jump on a massive project, unless I'm sure that this could really be GOD. So, after the unction didn't go away after a few hours, I finally messaged him and he was incredibly kind and generous, however he could not give me pe...
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A take on toon shading_Compositing

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Tuesday, May 27, 2014, In : Tips 
Hey all!

When I saw I hadn't shared this yet, I was really surprised. Must be because I'm so tired, hahaha. No worries, here we go:

(complete scene - Blender Render + Freestyle + Compositing)

When GOD gave me the idea for this image, I really felt fear creep onto me that it would not look good and oh snap! I am very happy with this one's result. It did not come out at all like I imagined it would. It is always such a blessing when that happens, so this one will be making it to the Home page.


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Toon Shading_an improvement

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Friday, April 25, 2014, In : Quick Blog Tutorial 
Hey there everyone!

Firstly, I want to say thanx to the people from the Blender Facebook group here and more precisely, here.

I found out a lot about toon shading here, though it did not produce what I wanted - it did however bring me a heck of a lot closer, haha. I would never have thought of using full oversampling nor about turn the auto ray bias off, so huge thanx there!

Though these methods are great, there are issues here. If you leave on the auto ray bias, you get this (see the collar are...
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Quick notice and a big something

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Thursday, November 28, 2013, In : Tutorials 
Good day all!

I haven't been able to make many posts these past week and there are various reasons for it; from weather to connection upgrades. You name it, haha. Currently, I am very very thankful to be able to let you know that there is another BGE (Blender Game Engine) tutorial up! This one, on the toon shading from a few weeks ago.

I was given this name for it: Toon Style Made Simple
Sounds like it has to do with dressing cartoon characters, but I think it's very clever. This is the cover:

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Continuation: The toons

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Thursday, November 21, 2013, In : Quick Blog Tutorial 
Hey all!!

Today is a bit of a follow-up / QBT post based on yesterday's with the tooned monkeys. After yesterday's post, I worked on doing a final monkey (no textures, so the lines are limited) and this was the result:

(there are three lights in the scene, the monkey isn't crazy, haha)

I like the result a lot! I do rather which that around his ears the lines were more prominent and that anti-aliasing actually responded on my PC (I think it's something set on my graphics card that is preventing i...

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2D without freestyle, for the Game Engine

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Wednesday, November 20, 2013, In : General 
Hey all!!

3 for 3 this week so far, hahaha!

This week, I was on the Blender Game Engine group and I saw someone asking how to do a toon material for a game. I thought it would be insanely complex, requiring an extra mesh or whatever, but you can get a pretty cool look, is, just by using the material options:

As you can see, we have two very similar shapes. The one to the top left is low-poly and the one to the right is, high-poly. Naturally, the high-poly looks nicer, but with a little fine tuni...
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