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Marius Oberholster Hey! I'm having an incredible learning experience, not only learning how Blender works (yes, still learning), but also about Open-Source and the incredible software available. Stick around!

Vintage tutorials and palm update

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Saturday, December 12, 2015 Under: News
Hey all!

Today's post is a bit nostalgic with something a little new as well! :D
Quite a while back (like start and middle 2014), I made two tutorials on using unwrapping to your advantage when texturing. Both of those, GOD did not permit me to upload to YouTube back then, but today I felt lead to upload both of them and here they are:

And the new part of today's post is an update on the palm tree I posted on the 9th:

(Tropical storms are regular around these trees, that's why it doesn't seem phased, haha)

There is not much different about the technique on this one. The basic structure is the same, but some of the displacement strength (that moves the branches) has been reduced, it has more leaves (double actually) and in order to change the leaves' length, I used weight painting instead of a texture. I also added some coconuts, haha.

All-in-all a nice update I think. The lightning bolt is from an old project, but comes in handy every time I need it, haha. GOD is so awesome for helping me have a solid library of stuff already built up. Still needs to expand quite a bit, but oh snap, every bit helps, hahaha!

Have a great one and GOD bless!!

PS, if you don't know JESUS yet, check this out!

In : News 

Tags: god  jesus  holy spirit  blender  vintage  uv  twist  palm tree  update 
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